Medical Special Operations Community

Medical Special Operations Community (MSOC) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing the art and science of emergency disaster education, preparedness, and response for health care providers around the world.

To support these goals, MSOC provides risk-based, all-hazard emergency workshops and programs to educate, train, and support medical providers that work with emergency responders and organizations.

For several years the MSOC organization has been helping to guide and unite tactical, wilderness, urban, austere, disaster and remote medicine care providers from around the globe. 

The Medical Special Operations Community (MSOC)
is a nonprofit organization that supports Special Operations Medical Responders across the globe. Our goal is to create and promote a state of readiness, prompt response, and advanced medical care during catastrophic events, large scale disasters and emergencies that extend beyond the normal capabilities of medical responders in those communities.

MSOC provides resources to further the capability of search and rescue, austere medicine, trauma, tactical, and canine organizations regardless of agency affiliation. MSOC supports local, regional, tribal, state and federal medical special operations community organizations.resources while planning or during an actual response.

MSOC brings together military, federal, state, and local medical responders plus academia, and industry leaders from around the globe. Our community offers the opportunity for members to organize, learn, share experiences, and coordinate resources during training, planning or an actual response in the advancement of Disaster Medicine.

This community was founded by members of specialized medical teams from different states and organizations. Through collaboration, the group identified an opportunity to create a platform for a formal exchange of ideas and information amongst responders from around the globe, featuring lessons learned, and the effects and outcome of the approach in medical care.

MSOC has rapidly expanded nationally as a resource for Urban Search & Rescue medical teams to work together with FEMA, SUSAR, NASAR and others who support our efforts to develop “Best Practices,” and share ideas for improving US&R Medical Operations.

The MSOC has dedicated resources for research and development programs that directly support the first responder medical community.  These programs include studies, software development,  equipment research, the collection of data to improve prehospital medicine, studies which will publish, support for  medical providers to produce their own research and articles through our partnerships, and research on the newest technology and equipment to help improve prehospital medicine.  All of these efforts have the same goal, to assist the first responders of the community in enhancing their skills and efficiency.